The average house price on KELD CLOSE is £397,138
The most expensive house in the street is 14 KELD CLOSE with an estimated value of £491,566
The cheapest house in the street is 2 KELD CLOSE with an estimated value of £321,426
The house which was most recently sold was 3 KELD CLOSE, this sold on 5 Aug 2022 for £350,000
The postcode for KELD CLOSE is TN22 5BP
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
1 KELD CLOSE Semi-Detached , 69 m2 £390,889 £370,000 18 Feb 2022
2 KELD CLOSE Detached , 72 m2 £321,426 £278,000 1 Dec 2020
3 KELD CLOSE Semi-Detached £351,644 £350,000 5 Aug 2022
14 KELD CLOSE Semi-Detached £491,566 £307,500 30 Apr 2008
15 KELD CLOSE Detached £391,185 £247,500 2 Aug 2007
16 KELD CLOSE Semi-Detached , 77 m2 £436,121 £350,000 24 Aug 2018